Useful links.
- Høyskolen Norsk Gestaltinstitutt AS / Norsk Gestaltinstitutt University College
- Norsk Gestaltterapeutforening
- Norsk Forbund for Psykoterapi
- Lovdata: Loven om alternativ behandling (the law concerning alternative treatment).
- Esalen Institute: Center in California - USA. Offers among others gestalt-workshops.
As inspiration and for support to you.
Hopefully my presentation: "På lag med sansene dine" - How you can use your senses to reduce stress - can be of some value for you, even though it is held in Norvegian.
My presentation, on the occasion of World Mental Health Day, organized by Mental Health Vestby.
Theme for World Mental Health Day - see each other, lower your shoulders.
Own Choices / Egne Valg on facebook.
Choose the therapist you connect with!
Research shows that this is of bigger importance, than the therapists educational background:
Article from by Ida Korneliussen.
Mentora: Gestalt Therapy in Bergen.
Grenidialog: Gestalt Therapy in Drammen.
LivetDitt: Gestalt Therapy in Tønsberg.
Arendal Psykoterapi: Gestalt Therapy in Arendal.
Are you in need of immediate help, and it is after my office is closed:
111 123 Hjelpetelefonen (Help Line), 24-7 free offer from Mental Helse (Mental Health).
Offers something for you who prefere to write as well.