Course: Setting Limits Gestalt Group - in Norvegian.
Njaa - eller tydelig nei og ja. Lær deg å sette grenser.
- Varighet: 4 ganger, 2 1/2 time hver annen uke.
- Starter: Tirsdag 23 og 30 august 2016.
- Pris: 2000 kroner.
- Deltakere: Maks 6 personer i gruppen.
- Tidspunkt: Klokken 15:45 - 18:15.
- Påmelding / informasjon: 40229916 /
Satisfied participant:
"Now, I know my needs, and I have developed some tools, so that I feel more confident in meetings others."
- Interactions:
Safe, good and predictable -
Setting limits,
communication and
problem solving.
- When you are understood, others get confident about you.
- And, your expectations will easier be met .
Christina Mjellem
Gestalt Therapist
Couples Therapist
Animal assisted therapist (AAT)
Educated at The Norvegian Institute of gestalt
Own Choices / Egne Valg are located in charming premises in Old Son.
Warmly welcome!