Terms / Conditions / Prices / Quality Gestalt Therapy in Son

Terms / Conditions / Prices

No change in prices from 2021!

Prices inkl mva from 1 of January 2025:

Individuals, 850 NOK per hour. (Studentprice 750 NOK).
50 minuts is allocated to therapy.


Introduction offer, 3.400 NOK for 5 sessions within 2 months.


Couples therapy, 1.500 NOK per 90 minuts.
80 minuts is allocated to therapy.


After 4 PM, 125 NOK added per hour.


Group therapy and companies, according to further agreement.


Supervicing, gestaltsupervicing.

Psychotherapists: 850 NOK per 60 minutes.

Professional groups / supervicing of teams - 6 persons maximum: 2250 NOK per 60 minutes.


Yoga with gestalt, 900 per 90 minutes - for groups of 6 persons maximum.


Booking a session.

Binding when confirmed by me.
Confirmed sessions must be payed within 7 days.
Canselling a session, at the latest, same hour, 5 working days in advance.
If you need to change the session, see moving a session:


Moving a session.

Asked for at the latest, same hour two workingdays in advance.


Assurance of quality:

I am bound by confidentiality
I follow Norsk Gestaltterapeut Forenings ethical principles and statutes.
Guidelines for complaints are also available on the Norsk Gestaltterapeut Forenings website.
Registered at Brønnøysundsregistrene in: Registeret for utøvere av alternativ behandling.


GDPR- Own Choices prosesses personal information in accordion to Norwegian law, and to current regulations.
Google Analytics is installed.


Useful links.

Christina Mjellem
Mobil: +47 40 22 99 16
E-mail: post@egnevalg.no
Kjøvangveien, Son, Vestby, Akershus


Parking in front of the house.


Egne Valg


981 093 259


3624 17 33623




Egne Valg Gestaltterapi Mental Helse i Son logo